ID TECH is on the road! Schedule an onsite meeting with us at RSPA RetailNOW, 7/28-7/30 in Las Vegas, NV

Featured Products


Unattended payment terminal supporting contactless payments & QR codes for vending, parking & more.


Smart NFC reader with QR code scanner that can host payment applications and drive an external LCD.

Kiosk V

Our newest contactless card reader supporting mobile payments and loyalty programs. EMV certified.
Check Out the Full Catalog of Products

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Let's Talk

Why are companies partnering with us?

At ID TECH, we take pride in being an industry leader that offers powerful next-generation payment technology, exceptional support, and highly competitive rates. Our wide range of products simplify the payment experience for end-users, giving them the hardware they need to keep up with their influx of payments.

Customer Stories

“It is a pleasure for Buzztime to work with ID TECH to create new and innovative tablet-based payment solutions. As partners, we plan to disrupt point of purchase with our affordable pay anywhere, loyalty, and entertainment products.”

“It is a pleasure for Buzztime to work with ID TECH to create new and innovative tablet-based payment solutions. As partners, we plan to disrupt point of purchase with our affordable pay anywhere, loyalty, and entertainment products.”

— Shan Prum, Director of Hardware Solutions at NTN Buzztime

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